Pet Wellness


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.

Anatole France

We are sorry, but Rev Laura is not currently available for pet wellness services. She will not be booking any future dates at this time.

Our Available Pet Healing Sessions and Classes

 Pet Reiki Sessions:

Reiki is a gentle technique that is calming and relaxing. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei is “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki means “life force energy”. An ancient laying-on of hands healing technique, Reiki uses the life force energy to help revitalize and balance the body on all levels, thus supporting the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

Reiki is simple, natural and safe, and animals are often drawn to its energy, especially if they are in need. Since these creatures cannot ask for help, we must consider indicators such as loss of appetite, aggression or other behavioral changes. It can be beneficial when an animal is dealing with issues like anxiety, past trauma, separation from an owner or another family member,  advanced age, terminal illness,  pregnancy, or postpartum stress.  Reiki is not a replacement for veterinary care but can help with pain or discomfort while in treatment for injury or illness.

Rev. Laura will always treat your pet or livestock with gentleness, kindness, and respect. Each session will be adjusted to meet an animal’s current needs, depending on the information you provide, and the behavior of your animal. This means the appointment length can vary from the average 30-45 minutes. If your animal cannot be moved, Rev. Laura will travel to your location if possible.  A donation covering the length of the appointment (plus travel expenses if applicable) would be greatly appreciated. Your support helps this ministry to continue its efforts to reach out to our community, but Rev. Laura is grateful for the opportunity to help any creature in need.

For more information, or to book an appointment, email Rev Laura at 

STILL MIND MINISTRIES is located in the beautiful city of London, Ontario. We aim to help people achieve their Spiritual-wellness goals through a variety of individual services and community outreach.

For more information see our About page or contact us by email at 

Blessings to you!